If you are an aspiring drop-in child care entrepreneur, the one thing you have are questions!

  • How do I choose a location?
  • How do I design my center?
  • What does a build out cost?
  • What will my monthly overhead be?
  • How do I apply for a state license?
  • How do I hire staff?
  • How do I structure my daily schedule?
  • What type of advertising and marketing works best?
  • What do I charge my customers?
  • How do I manage the books for my business?
  • What can I expect for growth rates for my business?
  • How does a successful drop-in style center perform financially?

… And so many more questions…

Let the DropInChildCare.com®, powered by Kidz Watch® curriculum-based licensing program and certification course answer all your questions.  Based on over twelve years of front line experience both opening and operating corporate Kidz Watch® centers and assisting licensees from all over the country to do the same, Kidz Watch® is your ideal resource for ensuring you are prepared for your entrepreneurial journey.  Contact us to learn more!